DNLE Assignment #4: Bloom's Taxonomy
This is part of a series of posts I'm doing related to <a href="http://venture-lab.org/education">Designing a New Learning Environment</a>, an online course I'm taking through Stanford University's Venture Lab. You can find all the posts in this series <a href="/topics/dnle/">here</a>.
This assignment was to find an educational technology that addresses each of the six levels of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom's_Taxonomy" title="Bloom's Taxonomy on Wikipedia">Bloom's Taxonomy</a>.
The following examples are listed from lower order thinking skills to higher order thinking skills: remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and create.
Tool: Flashcards*

This application can help students memorize, identify, recognize or name items from the curriculum.
Tool: Diigo

Students can link to pages and add tags to the linked page, which (depending on tag choices) can demonstrate interpreting, summarizing, classifying, exemplifying, inferring and comparing.
Tool: Pinterest

Students can use Pinterest to share and write about examples that illustrate elements of the curriculum.
Tool: Flickr slideshow editor

Students can upload images on flickr and organize them into a slideshow to compare, contrast and link various ideas.
Tools: Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger

Students can comment on and/ or critique the ideas expressed by other students on their learning blogs. They can also write their own blog post to extend the debate.
Tool: iMovie video editor

Students can plan, produce and distribute a video that explores curriculum in more depth.